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Cards from the sweet science are collectible, depending on the boxer depicted or if it is a still from an historic fight. The most valuable cards are those of boxers from any weight class who have won their respective championships, but heavy weight fighters bring the greatest interest, with a few exceptions.


Basketball trading cards are slowly growing in value. The primary determinants are the player depicted, what stage of the career the card is from (rookie cards are the most valuable), the condition of the card (it must be in mint or excellent condition), and whether or not the player is in the Hall of Fame. If any of these factors are missing, the value is lowered. Place any card in a protective sleeve to keep it from being damaged. The cards should not be autographed.


Baseball cards are some of the most sought after memorabilia in the collectibles field. While vintage baseball cards have an established value, which tends to increase over time, contemporary cards are a speculative venture. In either instance, rookie cards hold their value longer, especially as the fame of the player grows – with induction into the Hall of Fame setting a base value. Following that, value is determined by scarcity, condition, and player accomplishment. The greatest return on the financial investment comes in an auction environment, rather than in a retail setting. Because of improved copying technology, it is important to have a card’s authenticity verified. Do have cards autographed, as that diminishes the value of both the card and the autograph.